Pridružite se akciji za opremanje Centara za ranu intervenciju “Mali svijet” u Lukavcu. Ovoj jedan je od tri centra u BiH koji su specijalizirani za rad s djecom s autizmom i njihovim roditeljima.
Kada je prije sedam godina uz pomoć Općine Lukavac i Rotary zajednice otvoren Centar za ranu intervenciju “Mali svijet”, njihove usluge je koristilo 40 djece. Danas ih je u Centru 83, a postoji i lista čekanja.
Kako bi prihvatili što više onih kojima je pomoć potrebna, u Centru su individualni rad s djecom smanjili sa šest na jedan i po sat, što značajno umanjuje brzinu napretka djece.
Novi, veći prostor uz postojeći tim od deset uposlenika i volontera, osim prihvata svih zainteresiranih, otvorio bi i niz novih mogućnosti.
“Djeca bi dobila adekvatan tretman, mogli bismo uvesti sve terapijske tehnike koje se rade s ovom populacijom u drugim državama. Roditelji ne bi lutali, mogli bismo im osigurati produženi boravak djece,
ne bi bili primorani napuštati posao da bi se mogli brinu o djetetu”, istakla je Amra Fatušić, predsjednica Udruženja “Mali svijet” Lukavac.
Stoga je “Mali svijet”, u suradnji s Worl Visionom BiH pokrenuo kampanju u kojoj će nastojati prikupiti 176.000 maraka za obnovu škole “Bistrac Donji”, čije će prostorije koristiti Centar za ranu intervenciju “Mali svijet”.
Kampanja uključuje kontakte s kompanijama da bi kroz programe korporativne i društvene odgovornosti pomogli projekt, donatorsku večer načelnika općina s područja kantona,on line platformu Rotary Districta 1910, te podjelu promotivnog materijala među građanima.
Dear Rotary Club member,
Children with developmental difficulties in Bosnia and Herzegovina need our support. Faced with autism diagnosis, children and their parents don’t have adequate institution where they can go and receive treatment. Without timely intervention and care, as well as without the treatment that would help them overcome their difficulties, these children are facing life of dependency on others. Lack of basic education, exclusion from everyday life, marginalization, lack of understanding, stigma are just some of everyday challenges that they face as they grow up.
In order to ensure that every boy and every girl receive a support that they need and reach their full potential, NGO “Mali svijet”, Rotary District 1910 and World Vision BiH share a common vision to establish Center for early intervention, first in Tuzla region. Help us achieve it together.
As a Rotary Club member, a neighbour, a friend, a leader, we invite you to see the video and check details on the campaign
As part of our long lasting mission to imrove lives and solve real problems we are inviting all of you to support this project. For years we have been and still are community-builders; we are opportunity creators; we are problem-solvers and we are people of action. For this day, this week and this month, let us all also
More campaign details below:
NGO “Mali svijet” (eng. Little World) from Lukavac is one of only three in Bosnia and Herzegovina specialized for working with autistic children and their parents. Organization was established in 2010 by local therapists who were supported by local community and Rotary Clubs Tuzla and Lukavac. This organization for 7 years is dedicated in working with children from Tuzla, Doboj, Lukavac, Živinice, Gračanica, Gradačac, Srebrenik, Kalesija, Banovići and Sapna municipalities, as well as rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to provide necesary support for autistic children and their parents.
Due to growth in number of children that require treatment, during the past two years “Mali svijet” despite greatest efforts of the therapeutic staff had to reduce treatment time for everz child so they would not turn down any of the new children and families coming to the centre for help. This slows down the progress and disables more significant advancement towards functional life for these children.
With the support of Lukavac municipality former school building that is no longer in use was given for establishment of centre. Adaption of the space for its new purpose requires reconstruction and refurbishment, and provision of part of the equipment for the centre. For implementation of above mentioned, it is necessary to ensure funding of 90.000 euros.
We invite you to give your contribution for work of Centre for early intervention “Mali svijet” and show autistic children and their families that they are not alone.